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Thursday, July 18, 2024

DKC The Planet of the Oreos

The Planet of the Oreos (poem published in)


01 > The Planet of the Oreos (Poetry Midwest)

02 > 21st Century Valentines (Prism Review Poetry Sleepover)

03 > Green Bell Apples vs Dreadful Toenail Assholes (Lummox)

04 > Mans (Cadence Collective)

05 > 13 Ways of Looking at Little Chocolate Donuts

06 > My Object Life (Altadena Poetry Review)

07 > Joshua Tree Service (Phantom Seed)

08 > The Artisans (Love Poetry Lovers)

09 > Hills Like Hips

10 > Model (Sage Trail)

11 > Sunny Vale (YouTube)

12 > Musing (YouTube)

13 > In Memory of... (Poet’s Lane)

14 > Life After 50 Magazine (Poet’s Lane)

15 > Mythology (Cadence Collective)

16 > Demanifest (The Write Room)

17 > YouTube Recommended (Toucan)

18 > Thought I Saw Four Dogs on My Drive (Lummox 2)

19 > Samples from the Coffeehouse Window (Cadence Collective)

20 > Freedom to Drive (Cadence Collective)

21 > On the Way to Grand Junction (Cadence Collective)

22 > The Antique Traveler (Poetic Diversity)

23 > Joshua Tree Trip (L.A. Poet Society Contest Runner-Up)

24 > Not So Still Lives (Poetry Breakfast)

25 > Science (And It Happened Under Cover)

26 > Summer School Senryu (Poetry Breakfast)

27 > Road Bed (Poetry Breakfast)

28 > 1 A.M. (Poetic Diversity)

29 > Science Center (Poetry Super Highway)

30 > Issa Frequency (Writers at Work)

31 > Ozzy Man Dias (Poetic Diversity)

32 > I Float in the Alternate Sky (Poetic Diversity)

33 > Juke Box, or Vending Machine (Oddball Magazine)

34 > Cemetery (Tower Journal)

35 > After Xmas Dinner (Escapism Magazine)

36 > Petit Mort (Gambler Magazine)

37 > The Cloud People (Spilt Ink)

38 > Cosmic (Attack of the Poems)

39 > A Miniature World (Attack of the Poems)

40 > The Way to Orange (Escapism Magazine)

41 > Diurnal Love (Lummox 3)

42 > You make me feel (Short Poems Ain’t Got Nobody to Love)

43 > Life of Nightmares (In-Flight Magazine)

44 > The Rectangle, People (Moonday)

45 > Where the Road Ends (Indie Soleil Magazine)

46 > Blue Bonnets (Lummox 4)

47 > Showing a DVD on the Galapagos to a Ninth Grade Class (New Verse News)

48 > 25 Extremely Beautiful Minerals (Syzygy)

49 > Always Been a Surfer (Short Poems Ain’t Got Nobody to Love)

50 > Allusive Sights (Altadena Poetry Review)

51 > Semi-automatic Suicide (Lament for the Dead)

52 > Rectangular Man (Poetry Super Highway)

53 > Little Boy at the Beach (Dead Snakes)

54 > Nine birds (Brave New Word)

55 > Facebook Newsfeed Sonnets (Brave New Word)

56 > Human Minds (Dead Snakes)

57 > Blue and White (Highland Park Poetry)

58 > Dream Horses (Clockwise Cat)

59 > Three Layer Brownie (Altadena Poetry Review)

60 > On a Planet Where (Ekphrastic California)

61 > Transient (PCC Inscape)

62 > Walk a Mile in Black Nike’s (Dead Snakes)

63 > My Seventies (Anti-Heroin Chic)

64 > Alhambra Raccoon (Altadena Poetry Review)

65 > Asphalt Nature (Cultural Weekly)

66 > Morning Play (Terrene)

67 > Anthropomorph (Cultural Weekly)

68 > after the fall (Cultural Weekly)

69 > spirits of solitude (Wild Lemon Project)

70 > Extraterrestrial Report (Escapism Magazine)

71 > Moon Poetry (Metaphor Issue 7)

72 > Thirteen Ways of Looking at Poppies (Metaphor Issue 7)

Copyright 2018 by Don Kingfisher Campbell



01 > The Planet of the Oreos


so delightful this black oceaned and white continented world

the round black framed white bellied people enjoy eating

black crusted pizza covered with creamy white topping

as they sit at their white table-clothed black tables and

wear black and white dresses and suits and ties simply to

exit their white windowed black houses and walk on

white stone walkways around black bladed grass to go in

to their black cars sporting white rims which roll down

black (white lines through the middle) highway arrive at

circular black concrete plaza and lounge on raised white platform

dark and light mouths open in delight at the joy of living

on a delicious planet with black sky and white clouds except

for the fact their teeth are white with black spots all over

which they try to clean by taking milk river baths while

standing on black stones as the white sun shines in the night

but mostly their poetry is ours...which we can experience by

turning our video screens to the black and white setting




02 > 21st Century Valentines


She Sony VAIO laptop emailed she wanted to go out with me


I'm glad I had an iPhone in my pocket


She later Chocolate texted pik me ^ @ 8


I drove up to her condo apartment above Starbucks

in my Subaru Impreza


With Coastal cats eye contacts, she stared passionately

through dinner at Claim Jumper


I was pleased I previously stroked on Axe


She reached to touch my hand with an Amalech

white heart on each fake red nail


Good thing I remembered earlier to pump some

Equaline sanitizer into my palm


She moved closer in an attempt to kiss me

with Maybelline HydraStay Lipstick


I took off my Crest Whitestrip and quickly popped in

an Icebreaker cube


When she gave me a peek at her Victoria's Secret thong

I broke out a Durex vibrating rings condom


Afterwards she ingested her Plan B morning-after pill

then said she couldn't sleep


So I sweetly slipped her a sample packet of Ambien


Twenty minutes later I quietly stepped away in my Uggs


Got back in my car and roared into the day's Exxon/Mobil-fueled haze 



03 > Green Bell Apples vs Dreadful Toenail Assholes

I want to write a poem about clipping one's toenails
That's my idea: to start with something dreadful
But then I think of what is even worse: assholes
And realize I need a pleasant counterbalance, like apples
A universally loved fruit, historically important, red or green
This contrasts wonderfully, causes my brain to ring like a bell

I decide I'll try to get every word to sound like a bell
For example, I dig the noise made by each clip of toenails
It's good to cut them, it's like eating something green
Which results in fine digestion, a subject considerably dreadful
To some, until you remind them that it is grown apples
Chewed and swallowed that help to unplug stopped assholes

You definitely want to keep doctors away from assholes
When they get a hold of you, you reverberate inside like a bell
Thus a diet of the good stuff is essential, like mature apples
And bananas and oatmeal and gelatin for your toenails
I hear it comes from animal fat--how nauseatingly dreadful
To contemplate--I've got to shift theme: a tree is green

That's better, our world is mostly filled with glorious green
Trees and bushes and grasses and hopefully not just assholes
That would be unpleasant, right? Another notion dreadful
Like oil slicks and car exhaust and stock traders clanging a bell
To signal the start of trading--there's a concept without visible toenails
How do we get back to nature in this concrete land of few apples

By focusing some time on what gives us a quality of living like apples
And take an afternoon off to walk in a park or wilderness that's green
A place where one can remove one's shoes, expose them toenails
Maybe even find a lonely spot to excrete onto dirt from assholes
Like design intended, remember we discovered how to cast a bell
Forge furnaces, direct sewage through corrugated pipes so dreadful

And what about us, the modernized people who've become dreadful
With our loud stereos, air conditioning, paper waste, prepackaged apples
Filling landfills and stopping up rivers--we need a real warning bell
To toll in our heads to call us to ponder again the value of green
Instead we drive and fly our cyberspaced opinions like assholes
Everybody's got a justification, but what about freeing those toenails

Yes, it's all down to toenails freedom or leather shoes dreadful
When it's the assholes that rule, we diminish the number of apples
So go for the green life and make your own cause a cleansing bell




04 > Mans

Let me get this straight

these hu mans are

divided into two mans

man and womb man

and they have the nerves

to differentiate each other

even further by something

small as color, tint, hue (man!)


Help me understand

these hew mans believe

they can create

machine exhaust

without repercussion

to whew man lungs and plan it


Then these hee umans

put chemicals in their food

and bodies and act surprised

when their internal

illnesses multiply

like plants die


Strangest of all

they have created

the greatest good

imaginable: poetry


and soak their brains

instead with

trivial news

game shows

video consoles

slam bang movies

and occasionally

listen to poetic words

only in times of

untimely death


Alright I think I’ve

got these hugh mans

figured out they specialize

in underachieving

so as to resemble

their gods who seem to

have the same traits


No wonder they’ve merely

existed for a million years

been “civilized” a few thousand

they should be gone

in a century or two

unless they learn to make

a hospitable existence

with their plane knit



05 > 13 Ways of Looking at Little Chocolate Donuts



It's a hot humid day

The market has put boxes of

Little chocolate donuts

In the refrigerated section




I cannot turn down

That chilled army of

Little chocolate donuts

At the checkout

I tell my daughter

Go run and grab a box




She runs up

Then back down

The freezer aisle now

Carrying a box of

Little chocolate donuts




She places the

Rectangular white box

On the black conveyer belt

Little chocolate donuts

Ride to the checker




I gaze at the box on the belt

There is the clear plastic window

Revealing the dark round little donuts

Packed together like a crowded bus




I remember eating

Little chocolate donuts

Unwrapping a six pack

Indulging in chocolate fantasy

Enjoying them more day old




I take the plastic bag

In my hand

Weighted by

The sacred box




I give the plastic bag

To Kyla for safekeeping

While I drive my gray car

With gray fiber seats

And black wheels



The road is a fudge river

The sidewalk is a dusty milk stream

The front door is beige cake




Once inside, the box of

Little chocolate donuts

Rests on the kitchen counter

Ready to be fingered open

By the salivating humans




Magically the little chocolate

Donuts are disappearing

As family members toss them

One by one into their mouths




The last little chocolate donut

Is gone

The white box

Is empty




Two days later

My waistline has bulged

I have been eating

Too many little chocolate donuts



06 > My Object Life


my street is usually quiet...sometimes it can't control itself

my apartment ain't getting any younger...just ask the walls, the sofa, the carpet, the drapes

my TV's feeling neglected (if it wasn't for the Lakers)

my clothes are a little concerned about belly weight

my car wants to believe I can continue to maintain her; I see her interior roof start to fray

my CD's wish I would still be faithful to them; lately I've been driving with MP3's

my cell phone doesn't like me to receive calls from the wrong poet, if you know who I mean

my wallet and refrigerator are OK, both could use the insertion of some lettuce, instead of the constant taking out of plastic

my computer's very happy; we touch each other every day

the microwave wonders when life will be cleaner

the clock knows I'd rather not look in the mirror

the bed remembers better nights

the tissue box worries though if I’ll ever cry again


07 > Joshua Tree Service

“It's impossible to write poetry in front of the TV
Almost impossible not to write in the sun
In the woods, every breath is a poem
The words form in the sunbeams,
to those who look for them.”
~Daisey Verlaef


sun in the sky
filtered through bands
of blue and white

land all a-round
mountains frame (surround)
rock strewn plain

worshippers gather
citizens of earth
stand with branches

outstretched take
in periodic warmth
between collected tears

even rocks seem
to enjoy the hours
of light reflection

(effortlessly provide
shadows for respite
from constant brilliance)

through the unseen
companion who fills
space around us

we grow up and die
reseed the soil keep
the ceremony going

08 > The Artisans


we walk on a Tijuana sidewalk

and we are surrounded


by broken concrete

but it's alright


because she holds my hand

as we walk on the Tijuana sidewalk


and watch the handmade wares

hawked by vendedores


we don't buy anything

but we think about it


for our bedroom back in El Lay

and we hold hands and we kiss


as we walk the Tijuana sidewalk

and comment on which pieces we like


and talk ourselves out of buying

jugs, paintings, stained glass, 


knick knacks, everything,

except the thing I like most


putting my arm around her as we walk

on a Tijuana sidewalk in the artisan district


I take that home with me

and put it in a poem to give to her


she kisses me right away

just the way she did when we


walked on a Tijuana sidewalk

amid the picturesque rubble


and her long curly black hair

pretty enough for a Diego Rivera

09 > Hills Like Hips


How ingenious

The control for this MP3 player

looks like a speaker

I wonder if anything else

is designed

like that

What...a zipper is

generally shaped like a penis

Oh yeah

And a button does

resemble a nipple

Wait a minute

A wheel goes round

like the sun

The clock too

The teeth of gears

The body shape of a door

The chair's got legs

Cars have faces

Maybe God works

the same way

The crown of a tree (or broccoli)

The river flows like a bloodstream

The ocean is an inverse mountain range

The Earth is a speck of sand on a beach

(or is it the other way around)

And space from a distance

is like closing your eyes forever

(These thoughts just traveled

like cell phone signals)




10 > Model

My silver Saturn was parked in late afternoon shade, curbside on my street. But the sun did hit the orange Lakers antenna ball on my car aerial as if it were a perfect example of a planetary sphere suspended from a wand, complete with textbook shadow. Only, it didn't seem to rotate, like a planet would, and there were no visible life forms from this distance, as I observed simple perfection from the sidewalk, a relative forty million miles away. Not an inkling of embossed basketball lineage or hint of logo, until I went to open the front passenger door to pick up my little black journal, tucked away from plain sight at this angle, on the rear bench seat.



11 > Sunny Vale

Morning ball of fire rises
creating light blue sky

Black crow in tree branch caws
to the still high half moon

Air hugs the sides of passersby
whether car or man
on this asphalt river

Sidewalk banks decorated
with green oaks and bonsai bushes

They front each wooden box
where parked metal eggs rest
ready to convey via circular rubber

The small stick-like vertical beings
dressed like the flowers scattered
like ornaments through civilization



12 > Musing


Asked Calliope to help me compact an epic poem

Said first I had to consult great historian Clio

Rather get into bed with Erato's kind of knowledge

Euterpe may be kind enough to offer lovely lines

Spend time in Melpomene's presence for those necessary tears

And Polyhymnia's sonorous advice should make my poesy sing

Even Terpsichore might dance out some mellifluous word symbols

Still need leavening so to Thalia I'll merrily go

Only then can this poet name stars by Urania




13 > In Memory of…


He lived to play basketball

wore a uniform one year


He loved to watch light

reflect on man-made surfaces


He basked in old movies

especially ones with femme fatales


He enjoyed dreaming of flying

in his dreams


He adored his wives

for a while then needed someone new


He sometimes didn't have enough

and suffered for it


He gulped in art

making some best of all


He was once a skinny guy

back in the 80's thanks to sex


His birthday was Halloween

and he always had fun one way or another


He held poetry readings

just to share his addiction


He thought cellphone photos

could also be poetic


He had great friends

who were poets as well


He didn't believe in Santa Claus

or the creation stories


He soared on the music of Yes


He was happy for his children

even if they were a coast away


He smiled easily most of the time

unless there was an injustice


He heard The Beatles

and learned the concept of artistry


He gorged himself on Jawlensky

paintings which made him feel alive


He was myopic

that didn't stop him from seeking


He remembered his relatives

mostly for their judgments


He knew that 1984

came to pass in 2001


He masturbated his way

through lonely times


He lingered in Joshua Tree

every natural place


He endured small hands

but boy could they write




14 > Life After 50 Magazine


If I'm not going to be

rich enough to give to charity


If I can't be sexy at seventy,

there's always plastic surgery


I can still take care of business

rocking with Randy and Fred


Read a book in anticipation of a

horrific heartbreaking long goodbye


If I could I would get a reverse

mortgage but I rent an apartment


I buy my black tees at the thrift store

so my style is already retropolitan


What else can I look forward to...

trouble sleeping, down a pill


Better get medi-cal activated first

or else fork the whole bill


Will my retirement be enough to cover

a pain in the neck, onset of diabetes


What's that you say?  I'll need a hearing

aid solely because I rocked so much


Then there's the challenge of conquering

the chaos of clutter in my abode


Am I too sentimental keeping my first drafts,

too egotistical, even worse merely lazy


If I move to an assisted living facility they'd

get rid of the mess and everything I own


Will I be lonely and then compulsively shop

for material company I don't need on TV


Will I succumb to a youthful scammer

charging me 2200 bucks to pop back a breaker


Or crack a joint when I'm making whoopee,

easily replaced by a part for 20-30 years


If I win the lottery, will there be time to buy

that walk-in bathtub, laser vein treatment

(fixed annuity, document shredder)


Finally take that trip I never took to

paradise in Pismo or Two Bunch Palms


Catch Young Frankenstein, The Color Purple,

lounge in a club with Natalie Cole


Maybe a spa treatment will wash away

my sorrow at wrinkling before the water


Don't forget the vitamins, dental implants,

massage therapy, cemetery plot


Or can I just imagine myself a caterpillar

weaving a cocoon to become a butterfly



15 > Mythology


"To such endless impressions

we poets give ourselves absolutely,

making, in silence, omen of mere event,

until the world reflects the deepest needs of the soul."

--From “Omens” by Louise Gluck



Jupiter you are

A small hole of light

In a darkening blue sky



In a pond on Earth

Ducks swim, create little waves

Which glimmer like ribbons


Reflect lamplight

As you and the moon shine

With our sun's celestial power

(Are you both her beloved flowers)


Only you

Are much farther

Than our orbiting fragment

Born out of a collision billions of years ago



Jupiter tonight you are

More than a twinkling dot

Rising in the darkened indigo sky


People walk by

The pond and look

At ducks waddling up

Easy to enjoy every day 


I want to tell them

Cast your eyes high

Gaze at the shining speck

That doesn't seem to move


Yet slowly rises

Like the grand moon

Far away where no

Eyes can see a distant Earth


We're just a pale

Blue point in that night

Dominated by many moons

And nearby sister Saturn's rings



My Jupiter you are

The overlooked sight

Unseen by most denizens


Mothers and children

Throw bread crumbs at

The dark comical ducks in

The park by the pond's shore


Don't think to crane

Even at the gibbous moon

Which provides illumination overwhelmed

By sulfur lamps on poles each evening


The faraway planet

Hasn't been this close

Since 1963 and not again

So proximate until 2022


By then I might be

Getting ringed once more

Because I am at the park

Waiting for my lovely visitor


Who appears

In my life every day

And I am thankful to the heavens

That our sun comes up each morning


So I can witness

The moon at dusk

And her eyes and smile

Beside me like stars to a planet


Maybe we will

Revisit this location in

A future close as our current

Earthly rotating observation


Around each other

Present every diurnal

Forging twilight sparks

With circling tongues



Jupiter this time you are

The most welcome new guide

In my changing evening sky



16 > Demanifest


I'm losing interest

in judging humans

of aging earth


I want to be

sinking particles

into settling sea



for life

or merely detritus


so much

sand lying

at dark bottom


passing centuries

as seconds

over eons


while silent majorities

peacefully respirate

taking up space


on a small planet

inside spinning galaxy

littering the cosmos


talk about


just sense


eternity away

simple existence

no war sightable


somehow closer

than ever

toward godhead


17 > YouTube Recommended


I was The Moody Blues with a House

Of Four Doors in front of me


when I wanted to be The Marx Brothers

in a Big Store on a chase


so like Monty Python's Best Sketch Ever

I found The Meaning Of Life


instead of being a Stealer's Wheel

Stuck In The Middle With You


like James Brown I remade Something

like Yes I covered I'm Down


I took a line from Carl Sagan's Message

For Humanity and made my Last Interview


this Von Trapp Family asked What's My Line

as I boarded a Rush Time Machine Tour


I said our relationship has been like some

Disturbingly Racist Cartoons, like a 9/11 UFO


and The Allure Of Hip Hop-ping away

like Rudy Francisco on the Final Stage


helps me locate my Spirit Of Survival

because Time Is Time has become my motto


I am (He Is) Sailing to the Horizon like the Hawaii

Governor who thinks he's Lazarus Once Again


to look for Vangelis Alpha in Donovan Colours

through Genesis Slippermen I will offer the Duchess Live


Christmas In Heaven not The Knife

as Seconds Out I'll Dance On A Volcano


do my Rick Wakeman Solo before I go

on the Grumpy Old Picture Show


like Andy Griffith on Halloween

like Harpo Shooting Out as he Goes West


Be A Clown in the Train Station

wanting one more Nursery Rhyme Concerto


I've got to make like James Mason

drink Thunderbird Wine


seek my own Marlena Shaw to Teach Me

How To Speak In Love for Madlib Infinity


Let The Good Times Roll B.B. King style

I've already Felt--Now She's Gone


Republican/Democrat What's The Difference

you're the Bette Davis in my Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame




18 > Thought I Saw Four Dogs on My Drive


1) Garfield & Oak


rubber on asphalt

glance over to right

wisp of wind

blows gray fluffy

fur of roadkill


2) Garfield & Monterey


to the left on sidewalk

ponytailed woman tries

to keep pace with

large curly white

poodle on her leash


3) Grevalia & Stratford


man with shorts and his

tethered brown bulldog

stand behind

low park chainlink

watch people


4) 110 Freeway


wheels on concrete

in slow lane

black plastic bag rolls

run over by passing car

keeps rolling




19 > Samples from the Coffeehouse Window

Sandy blonde girl with ponytail
bobs as she hops the sidewalk,
carries a paper Mache head.
The earth must be so pleased
to hold her to the planet.
This globe has to love us all.

Shirtless shorn guy sucks a cig,
adjusts his long boxer shorts,
saunters across the crosswalk,
tosses a butt in the street.
The third stone loves him too,
or can we expect a quake?





20 > Freedom to Drive


two tons of steel and glass and plastic and rubber

on tar and asphalt and concrete road to reach

an aluminum windowed and wood tabled

restaurant to gorge on cow and pig and chicken

and fish to fill belly and get in car again to arrive

at mall steel and glass and stucco buildings of

opportunity where inside you can try on and

plastic card or paper bill purchase yards of cotton

and polyester and rayon and spandex then plant

jeans on leather and vinyl once more to park

wheels and chrome near a convenience store

of formica and chrome counters to buy a bunch

of plastic and paper packages bags and bottles

easily tossed in either receptacle or ground and

subsequently re-enter a stucco and glass and steel

reinforced building wherein clothes and food

and electronics are stored in wood and on finished

floor made to outlast bone and flesh occupants




21 > On the Way to Grand Junction


a man stands

shorter than the swath

of trees that line a turnout


looking up at the red face

of a rocky colorado cliff where

at the top a tree seems a dwarf


then the nearly white blue sky

itself minute compared to the space

above that cannot be seen from this surface



22 > The Antique Traveler


read the classic poem

two hundred years

after sandy inspiration


saw those ruins again

what romantic poet decided

to capture of the passed


an attempt to warn the future

so we might recognize tyranny

when we experience it


but the 99% don't act as one yet

this empire's cycle continues

with the reassurance only that


kings and paupers die

buildings and slogans fall

fragments sink into earth




23 > Joshua Tree Trip


smiles in the car

two hours later arrive

petroglyphs on rocks


balance ourselves beside

boulders that dwarf us

we stroll hand-in-hand


past the many arms

of Joshua, single-fingered

Yucca, sit on stone “benches”


view Coachella Valley vista

Palm Springs tiny buildings

haze over Salton Sea


San Andreas Fault

pose with peaks

climb edges, bark


at the bluest sky

while nature’s personalities

show in formation


volcanic birthplace

rising and defeated limbs

perform poetry to space


Buddha-like mountains

silent sentinels patiently

outlast manmade windmills




24 > Not So Still Lives


Sun streaming through blinds makes oranges and apples in a basket on a wooden dining table look like still life. Presence and aroma warm a living room so much a tan carpet feels almost as inviting as earth to bare feet. Lone desk lamp lights clay-colored table into a model of an urban landscape. Ebony laptop dominates surface like a modern building made of metal and plastic. Its great window, a screen advertising ideas of the world. A bottle of water nearby glazes nearly empty of emotion, just condensation of an owner's breath. A gentle mechanic whoosh and whirr mimicking a typing body's efficiency. Oh oh, here comes another being to embrace the poet.



25 > Science


My fovea centralis spotted her beautiful countenance

The cilla in my alveolus danced at the sight of her butterscotchy epithelium

Epinephrine started to travel all over my biological unit

Every Haversian canal within me vibrated as my solar plexus

I couldn’t stop gazing upon the summer smooth clavicle of her statuesque gladiolus

The pons of my brain began to go insane at the vision of her Fibonaccian conchas

She had perfect maxilla zygomatics like a model above her mandibles

Even her bangled carpus was gorgeous; I ran digits over her ulna

And happily found our nares flaring jointly with joviality

Hoping she wouldn’t notice the occlusion of my rictus

I commenced to lick the philtrum above her luscious orbicularis oris

I could see intercostal muscles move in her chest as I cradled her lovely bony occiput

Proceeded to stroke both the sexy ilium and ischium of her delightfully curved coxa

Fondling her supple long rectus femoris led to caressment of her exquisite patella

When I reached the gentle slope of soleus, I knew I had to turn to the lovable mons veneris

After exciting those glans beyond the perineum

It was fun feeling her gluteus flex and my trapezius quiver

As the synapses in our cranial cavities mutually signaled dendrites to acknowledge intracellular ecstacy

My smegma-covered vas deferens injected spermatozoon

Followed by very welcome diastolic reactions of the cardio




26 > Summer School Senryu


(1) Pre-Test


It's like light rain

heard outside a window--

students writing.


(2) Classwork


Binders opening

and closing--popcorn,

popcorn, popcorn!


(3) Friday Test


Chair leaning back,

looking for answers

in the ceiling.


(4) Student Desk


Orange edged,

scraped wood butterflies

leave graphite droppings.


(5) No Lockers


On the tables of

the Creative Writing class,

Algebra and Calculus books.




27 > Road Bed


lying on her side

like she was sleeping


golden brown fur still

absorbing morning sunlight


so intact so peaceful

cars drive around the feline


we continue on asphalt

in our metal machines


swerve away from each other

on the concrete river


off the offramp

a billboard reminds me


to VIVE HOY con Pepsi

in the midst of construction




28 > 1 A.M.


Coiled blue lamp illuminates

Cork coaster moon in black coffee table sky

As laptop computer city is awakened


Then this god creates a poem

By touching lettered citizens individually

Gets hungry for a post two a.m. snack


Grabs a nearby bun star

Dollops peanut butter and jelly planets

Chews, looks outside his universe


Sees a much larger one with all

The props: houses, trees, streets, dogs

Deities in cars, earthbound



29 > Science Center


Like crows

We beak our way

Through crowds

To see Endeavour


Like dogs

We romp up and down

Stairs to get to return

Our purple poker chips


Like dolphins

We laugh at

Our funny faces

In the infrared screen


Like chimpanzees

We try to lift

The 5,000 pound pickup

Pulling a cantilevered rope


Like octopuses

Our six arms

Reach for our car doors

So we can roll outta here



30 > Issa Frequency


a car roars outside the window, a

sudden passing marked only by sound, sudden

shower-like it comes, passes, goes, like a shower

falls out of hearing as a memory falls

and all one is left with is recollection, and

naked at that, because the ears hear naked

I, receive the signal, experience vibration, I

am a natural receiver for existence, I am

riding the waves which pass, reverberate, riding

on an invisible wavelength of experiences on

a plane making my path, my sense a

naked transponder for what is here, naked

horse, no, more like two hundred horses



31 > Ozzy Man Dias 

Bumper to bumper

On the 10


I stop listening

To talk radio


What do I see

By the soundwall


A romantic poet sits

Under a tree


Telepathically he

Admonishes me


Are you contemplating

The best and


Happiest moments

Of the best


And happiest minds

No I am


On the freakin’ freeway

Which is sadly


Misnamed during rush

Hour, more like


Slow minutes traversing

The 405 to the 10


Ready to take the next

Exit outta here


If I can reach it

Instead of bumping


Accidental another

Frustrated car


So I’m not feeling

The best and


Happiest now

But I am


Experiencing the poetry

Of the moment


Wishing I was like you

Under a tree


Overseeing a crowded

Bunch of verdancy


Rather than a river

Of concrete


And so many

Land boats


With tense hearts

Locked inside



32 > I Float in the Alternate Sky


The one that is wet

And smells like grass surrounds


All limbs stretched

A la Leonardo da Vinci


The sun cooks my skin

Like I was a cookie


Half of me submerged

In the lake of muffled hearing


So my eyes search the blue

For other suspended travelers


Until my fingers and toes

Turn into raisins


Then I emerge, a soaked beast

Lumbering to a structure


Where I can create thoughts

Of cars whooshing past houses


Just to step in the original soup,

Feel creation from the first electricity



33 > Juke Box, or Vending Machine


When I saw the round white buttons

You could push for selections

I put in four quarters and started reading


Let’s see, Hot Chocolate

Will I hear Emma, Emmaline

Or should I be looking for a cup slot


The next one said, Whip

(Devo? Whip it good?)

Maybe this is merely a dispenser


But then to the right of that

Spelled Cream, I imagined being

In a White Room with black curtains

Instead of the sound of a condiment poured


The clincher… at the end I gazed upon

Double Sugar… code for The Archies

Couldn’t be just making cavities, yes


The little rectangular clear plastic sliding door

Really was my tipping point, I slid it open

Expecting a pre-printed cassette single

Only to grab a steaming paper cylinder


Made me wonder what would have happened

If another choice was Coffee Strong

Shall I walk away because I don’t drink the stuff

Wait, must listen, for a new music I’ve never heard




34 > Cemetery


below blue Fall sky

clouds hug mountains


afternoon sun shines on

an angel above a lawn


standing upon a stone

surrounded by entombed


dead below green blades

sprouting from a hill


sloping down toward

white-lined gray street


a staccato flow

of peopled cars


motoring in hope someone

breathes for their love


35 > After Xmas Dinner


Drop chocolate kisses

Swing open the candy bar

Step on pepperoni slices

Enter the electric toaster


Travel along licorice rivers

To get to the pumpkin pie house

Lighted with shivering gum drops

Wonder at mashed potato skies


Hold onto a block of cheese

That satisfies in the cold oven night

Smash together baby tomatoes

Until beef jerky gets devoured again


Liquor crumbs are meant to be followed

To reach the next morning egg 



36 > Petite Mort


I want to hold your bones

Proof we have loved long

Enough to make it skeletal

In my arms I will caress

What is left of you if you

Promise my remains too

One last hug before burial

Or we can forego the wait

Use fingers again to feel

Edges beneath soft skin

Create desire once more

Drink life fluid until still

Corporeal bodies pause

Thank God for the urgency




37 > The Cloud People


visit whenever they can

in whatever shapes mustered

fluffy mashed potatoes

rolling cotton balls

wispy dashing streaks


like to be looked at

as giant benevolent visitors

who happen to dwarf

the buildings of humans

ants scurrying about


and occasionally become

overburdened by sadness

collected from the ground

grow large and heavy

loaded with moisture


to the point of becoming

dark sopping blankets

that can't help but burst

all the tears of time

watering for hours


nurturing the earthlings

they love to observe

floating around the land

of their evaporative birth

in each sunrise and sunset


of their brief constant

beneficial recycling lifetimes

appreciate our dancing

moister than anything

except mother ocean



38 > Cosmic


When I look at the ceiling

I see thousands of plaster

points casting small shadows


Like the surface of the moon

observed by glancing upward

from this earthly brown sofa


When I open the front door

I gaze upon dozens of white

clouds travelling across blue sky


Like pedestrians on a sidewalk

trying to cross a wide street

whose boundaries are out of sight


When I go back inside I stare

at my hand and behold skin

and spots and lines and hairs


Like the exterior of a planet

I have known for half a century

shifting slowly again to granule


When I swing out the same portal

at night my eyes ascend once more

into a darkness without many stars


And realize the lights we've invented

pale next to the faint specks made

distant by design and simply ask why




39 > A Miniature World


In my 9x12 bedroom I used to build

suburban tract houses out of Lego


White bricks and red windows and doors

complete with green platform yards


And flat gray driveways for Hot Wheels

to return home from work roll-up and park


On holidays pass paper marker-tagged

firework stands or Xmas tree lots


Then after a dinner of Spaghetti-O's

mixed into chili back out and drive


On bedspread roads to the great

black and white drive-near TV theater


Sitting atop my wooden dresser

to watch Batman Star Trek


Gilligan's Island Columbo

Mash The Andy Griffith Show


Finally driven down for bedtime

homes temporarily relocated to my desk


Or play earthquake broken apart

pieces dumped in a Sears cardboard box



40 > The Way to Orange


I dove in the stomach

of a gun metal bug


Floated down the river

sliding past brown snakes


Crossing under unfinished

castles with turrets


Threatening dragons lurched

hanging tongues overhead


Diverting to a stream

we stopped and I was


Belched out to walk

until I could see


A very pretty Ugly Mug

so I sat below


The twirling fans to

drink in the poetry


Of other beings still

breathing around lava lamps


And the giant Oreo

in the night window


Ready to fall into

a steaming cup of neon



41 > Diurnal Love


in the morning

one of us has

to kiss the other

before we go out

into the world

of car accidents

workplace shootings

police brutality


when we get home

in the late afternoon

we have to buss

just to be glad

we made it back

to our domicile

of homemade dinner

high speed internet

in two languages


night is the best

because we take off

the day's clothes

lie together in bed

turn to press lips

in the dark sometimes

become animals

then hold on

like twins in a womb

waiting to be born

again by sunlight



42 > You make me feel 

like a blue



on a pink



like a black



sliding into an

earthen hole


like a gray



snatching a white



like a green



stomping on

the rainbow city


and afterwards


like water

on a sidewalk



in the sun


like the wicked

warlock of the west



because of Dorothy


so this is how


God felt








43 > Life of Nightmares


Next to a closed road overrun with overgrown trees

You have become one of many abandoned castles


Now I’m seeing dead dolls in thick branches

My heart feels like an old turret tower


Disused like an unfinished subway system

A rotting shell left behind in desert sun


These walls need paint, still seek love

As snow covers the roof, blocks the doors


Inside, memories, remnants of forgotten bodies

An amusement park of long ago


We’re off that plane, grounded, covered by sand

An empty bed looks out dusty windows


Tries to find the brain in the solution

Because hanging rope is not an alternative


Nor peering off a high stone bridge

I’m like a boat in a lake sans water


Mindlessly searching for an emotional twin

Nothing else to do in this dark tunnel


Where birds dive to their deaths

Rather than be caged in open air



44 > The Rectangle, People


On a round planet

With jagged edges

And irregular bodies

Of clouds and water


Beings with oval heads

And four sticks emanating

Evolve to build houses

Tables, chairs, beds, pools


Vehicles sporting wheels

Bats, balls, tennis rackets

Radios, record players, televisions,

Microwave ovens, computers

(utilizing dials, knobs, buttons, keys)


And now personal L7’s

To hold onto and look into

To fill lumpy, bulbous minds

Concentrate almond eyes


On numbers, letters,

Pictures, music,

Video, games featuring

Recorded voices and faces


Reminding us we are

Creations recreating

Recharging our selfies

Until inevitable recycling




45 > Where the Road Ends


A metal yellow diamond stands sentinel


Marker to conclusion of asphalt and culture


As fierce clouds shine over dark grassy hill


Walk into abundant wildness and see


Blue sky heat eat away clouds while


Purple thistle joyously overtake hillside


An oak tree cluster is familially brilliant


Green clumps welcoming sun and gravity


To almost reach slopes that roll and stretch


Unhindered by wire or building or car


Only footsteps and eyes should touch this


Grown beauty which still exists before


Civilization's beyond be again encroached


Whereout lie concrete interests of mere men




46 > Blue Bonnets

Sprout out

Of the soil


Seem tall

And thin above

Leafy stems


But dwarfed

By surrounding

Big cactus paddles


Each playing

The game of

Collecting warmth


For hours days

Maybe months

Even years


Wind flowing

Over their

Flat petals


A distant crown

Of giant bushy

Trees frame


This bountiful

Green chaparral

Under wispy sky


None of them

Can see the

Seers who enjoy


The colors from

Life given

Color-filled eyes

47 > Showing a DVD on the Galapagos to a Ninth Grade Class


Some watch the projected video

of blue footed boobies

diving down like bombers

to feast on an unsuspecting school of fish


Others would rather stare

into their small lighted rectangles

to play a game, send messages

or simply check out their faces


The British narratress

twistedly intones the wonder

of sea lions snatching by the tail

swimming rock-colored iguanas


And what will become

of the fourteen-year-olds

who don’t care to take notes

on this predatory world


The gliding hawk seizes

the frantically running lizard

The bug-eyed orange crabs

pinch off pieces of wounded seagull


Are these students doomed

to be pushing paper, repairing roads

selling cars, hammering homes

stocking stores, serving plates


The volcanic islands themselves

are born in the ocean

live a few million years

sink slowly to die




48 > 25 Extremely Beautiful Minerals


Sunset Fire Opal

Flaming clouds in an orange sky


Luz Opal

An aquarium of newborn galaxies



Hold an electronic brain in your hand



Light rays stream through live seaweed


Amethyst Geode

A desert night brimming with stars


Rose Quartz Geode

Embryo planted within blood rich womb


Black Opal

Blue streaks flash, dominate dark clouds



Verdant mesa atop purple evening mountain


Opal Fossil

Brown rings of an illuminated petrified tree


Burmese Tourmaline

Smoke rising from gorgeous chemical fire



The thousand pins of an albino sea urchin

Chrysocolla in Malachite

Watery underground city of turquoise towers


Titanium Quartz

Prismatic rainbow metropolis reflecting


Watermelon Tourmaline

A flag of wet pink, band white, rind green



Red Rubik's cube rising from white grass



Blue flower out of cupcake stone


Realgar on Calcite

Red blood cells attacked by white crab



Faceted flying saucer emerges from matching shell



Cubicular lime gelatin snorted up nostril



Little nuggets of fool's gold on the hillside



Red vines protruding from a brownie



Exposed lavender brain in fluorescent light


Tourmaline on Quartz with Lepidolite and Cleavelandite

Dragonflies in midflight mating dance



Cinnamon churro sticks stuck in sugar froth



Pink marshmallow bubblegum balls!




49 > Always Been a Surfer


As a teen I loved

surfing the hills

of Monterey Park

on my bicycle


(I even played

a surfer boy

in a Garvey Junior High

English class production)


Later living

in San Gabriel

I surfed channels

looking for good movies


(My only try

at body surfing

in Huntington Beach

resulted in a dislocated knee)


Now in Alhambra

I surf the internet

on a laptop every day

to find inspiration for poems


(I love surfing

the lines I create

making images

and metaphors as I go)



50 > Allusive Sights 


boy with backpack

like a tortoise shell

looks up in amazement

at a three story building



at a checkout table

in the drug store

a small girl stands

like a porcelain doll

next to a shopping cart



in the backroom

of the library

a cardboard box

has been painted

and crafted into

an Enlarging Machine

at the base of it

is what seems to be

an orange plastic lizard

that darts underneath



on the drive home

a red pickup truck

with a nearly bare

potted tree in the bed

looking like it was

straight out of the movie

Harold and Maude



jacaranda petals

dance across

a San Marino


on a windy afternoon



she sat among the leaves

because she felt like

basking in the sun too




51 > Semi-automatic Suicide

When my best friend lived

Next to Lancaster we would ride

To the Walmart so we could go

Order a bag of dollar

Cheeseburgers from McDonald’s

Eat them at a table

Talk about the economy


We never got pulled over

On the way maybe

Because I was the driver


Friday night two men

Walk down Avenue K-4

To 30th St. W a residential area

With a Hellenic Center

On the corner a great place

To celebrate your day


They get stopped by gang

Unit plain clothes


Words are exchanged

One of them whips

Out an assault

Pistol from his jacket


That was all it took to start

A firing squad of detectives


His buddy ran away

In the hubbub


Deputies pick up the gun

From the lying body


Establish a perimeter

To catch a friend

Scared for his life


I made a phone call to Marvin

To give him the news


Heard him say he’s staying

Inside tonight



52 > Rectangular Man


Opens his almond eyes

Waking to strips of light from blinds

Reaches over to the bedside table


To grope for his glasses

Shaped like SUV’s

Sees an office building outside the window


Gets up from his bed

Looks around at four corners

Bookcases, tables, chairs, printer


Heads to the bathroom

Aims into the oval

Moseys on to the kitchen


To shake a cereal box

Pour milk from a carton

Scoops irregular flakes with a spoon


Then he grabs the charged cellphone

Switches on the living room television

Plops onto the long sofa to eat


Later brushes his teeth with a stick

Drinks from a cup

Spits into the sink


Marches to the front door

Swings it out to walk the walkway

Down steps


To the carport

Opens driver door

Descends into seat


Rolls along driveway to the gate

Turns onto the street

Glances at sidewalk trees


Pulls into parking lot

Slowly searches for a space

Parks between white lines


53 > Little Boy at the Beach

He looks like he's sleeping

Wet hair seemingly combed back


Soaked red tee shirt and blue shorts

Shoes still on


He must have been tired

Face down on the sand


Gentle waves pushed him

To the Turkish shore


The only tell-tale sign

Is the swelling of his ear


Whispering sweet dreams

Of a better world for everyone



54 > Nine birds


      sit equidistant

    on the arm

         of a signal


Until one

   flies off

    to land

   on a nearby facade

The remaining

eight flutter wings



Reposition themselves

so they are again spaced

   in this afternoon


Change to green

  cars juxtaposition

      to get ahead

 before yellow turns




55 > Facebook Newsfeed Sonnets


Will your dining table kill you?
Will you live to see the sea again?
Exist to sniff a flower in a bed?
Meet up with some handsome beautiful,
Maybe you'll want to share inspiration,
Words like a lighthouse inside you.
Whatever you do, don't ductape your mind.
Run through minutes, hours, days,
Get yourself space to reach outward,
Play the bongos of being alive.
Someone may sidle next to you,
Form a group of like-minded professors.
Then smirk your way to local stardom
Or just enjoy the colors of your pens.


Is your mind a flower in the desert?
Does your imagination see above the trees?
The colors of music might inspire you,
Remembering friends you took pictures with.
That one day you sat at the shore just looking
And felt the need to tell someone about it.
People may look at you funny.
Some could stay to watch you rap rhapsodically
About the patterns on your brain wall.
The moment you felt like Kong on a skyscraper.
When simply walking on a sidewalk in the heat
Drives you to start preaching to anyone.
Inside you is a lighthouse amid the clouds
Where bright thoughts dominate the darkness.



56 > Human Minds


A world without

the bomb


Now wouldn't that

be something


Maybe then we'd

get rid of the rockets

and missiles too


But it would take

the removal of rifles

and guns


To produce

a fundamental return


Back to swords

and knives


Unless an alien came

to melt it all down


Hell, you know

we'd rise up


Stones and sticks

in our hands


Even sans trees

fists would still

over rule


Taking away bodies

would leave only

worlds behind


For the universe

to merrily corrode

out of existence

57 > Blue and White


When I see

an alligator

chasing after

some fish


A giant crab

flying over

a tiny

exhaling whale


And a pirate

face looking

down from

on high


I know I love

wispy clouds

turn into images

through words




58 > Dream Horses


Gallop through the rivers of my mind

Make me want to light out of skin


To not spend this day walking with the troubled many

Who carry briefcases, lunch bags, spare tires


Once I imagined a fish could break clear of a building

I knew then I only wished to jump off a wall


Leave shoes behind on the precipice

As testament to the gun in my head that imploded


I emerge a limber being, a phantom of my former self

Holding an unlit lantern to a future missing the past


As today’s sky shines around me

And trees frame my unleashed heart


The barbs that surrounded my skull moved me

To run from the hands that held me back


To never again be one of the cattle crossing

The muddy lake of dutified hours


Where I used to wallow

Half-submerged in sidewalks


The cornice of literature

Inside me barely seen


Until I escaped to steal my own life

Finally free to feel the sun rise on my face


Amidst brother arbors

Instead of hanging by facades


Waiting for a trough of money to guide me

I dove like a shark under clouds to muster play


Jagged rocks became parts of my soul

And equines neighed pleased at my process of departure

59 > Three Layer Brownie


Via biting wind and salivic surf, he eats through, purchased from a petite waterfall-haired cheerful teenage student, a chocolate mesa, to create a crumbly cliff revealing baked layering of a heated past. The recently refrigerated saran-wrapped surface of crusty dark brown plated mantle, held up by the deeper darker nearly black oreonic cream-filled muddy subsoil, in turn supported by an array of larger melted chips like gigantic boulders buried in a blonde cake base, methodically vanishes. All washed down an over half-century old teaching throat in waves of bubbly cranberry red water encased in lightweight recyclable aluminum from the virtually empty great dispensing machine monolith in the busy teacher’s cafeteria rectangle on a planet blithely rotating finitely to a finish.


60 > On a Planet Where


A penguin leaps away from a seal

A wildebeest jumps into a river

A boxer crab belly holds its hundred orange eggs

A white rhinoceros is protected by rifle-toting soldiers

An owl blends into a tree’s bark

A mountain lion nighthunts a wood-decked backyard

A polar bear dives between ice floes

A taloned sparrowhawk attacks a jay

An ocean wave mistaken for a snow-capped mountain

Bare trees like zombies reach up at night to the stars

A goggled boy floats in clear shallow ocean seeking starfish to place in his lipped plastic bowl

An aurora borealis streaks pink over an icy blue lagoon

A bobtail squid has eight curling symmetrical arms lined with nodules

A hook-horned Alpine ibex stares down from a cliff ledge

Seals sleep on an iceberg in Antarctica

Some humans internet search for nature photos to post on their Facebook feeds



61 > Transient


I’ve walked on the surface for so many years

Surrounded by buildings, streets and some trees.


I feel the wind on my face and arms, and wonder

What it would be like to shoot far above the land,


Cross oceans to different continents, swirl through

Hair, touch the skin of the temporary ones, move on.


Better to be a cloud, float over the checkerboard

Fall into it, get inside earth, then, thanks to the sun,


Evaporate up again, unless I am retained in a bush,

Flower because of light, age, darken, wrinkle, die.


If I could only turn into a rock, it’s the closest thing

To immortality, absorb the warmth of day, coolness


Of night, watch the passing of more temporal beings,

Until the eventual utter destruction of this planet.


Or, likely, earlier, broken by earthquake, or humans

Who love, love to build structures, and pathways.




62 > Walk a Mile in Black Nike's

They were a birthday gift from my love.

The first pair of this brand I've ever possessed.

They're light and springy.

Fun to walk in.

I'm almost bouncing every day.

But my feet are cold when it's chilly outside.

No kicks ever did that before.

I can feel a breeze through them.

I bound to the car feeling younger.

Step on the pedals.

Sense the give.

Reminds me of you know who

as I remember to think about it.

I go to school, lunch, back home.

When I am free, I spend time with her.

Take 'em off.

That's even better.

Then I ponder...

who made the shoes.

Knowing the answer all along.


63 > My Seventies


I look at the orderly collage of record

Album sleeves on my home office wall


I realize I’ve subconsciously posted the many

Facets of my own personality confirmed by music:


Paul McCartney and his Wings in Africa because

This white boy also effortlessly dug black rhythms


George Harrison had Krishna on a four horse chariot,

I too felt sadness at the follies of the material world


Elton John peered out of his pink tinted glasses, and I

Introspectively gaze at society thru manufactured lenses


ELO, seven scraggily-haired men in t-shirts and jeans, you

Could have put me in the picture as number eight


And ELO jolted classical music with rock, like everyone

Else I eventually discovered what came before matters


Jon Anderson, my favorite mystic, with one foot in ancient

Times while drawing inspiration from childhood noir films


The Runaways, teenage girls in black with long straight

Hair gave this teen a whore moan shot in the pants


So did Linda Ronstadt’s big dark ojos and sexy bare

Shoulder imprint a vision of a future wife in my genes


I was another Bob Welch, cupping my hands to form

Googly finger specs for the girl with Ebony Eyes


Tried to be tough like Bob Seger sporting Fu Manchu

Mustache and leather jacket under the full moon


Faded a la Steely Dan slipping shades and splitting

In two over the dichotomies of being alive


Carly Simon, tall and slim in her loose blouse

And black slacks made me want to become


James Taylor, the perfect husband, singing

His love for her, embodying all man kind


John Lennon was my real role model, pissed

And creatively loving his partner as an other half


Shortly after that though, the Ramones delivered

A young man’s life in the cities angsty laughs


Su Tissue of Suburban Lawns became the arty

Hipster woman I longed to meet in college


But exotic Hiroshima’s mellow jazz taught me

To chill out around the ladies and smile


And jazzman Lenny White and Twennynine

Had me grooving again to Peanut Butter soul


So, guess I’m the above, with a helping of Genesis,

Using elemental colors to present pure feeling



64 > Alhambra Raccoon

Three in the morning

Outside my window

Sitting in the well lit

Medical office parking lot

On the aisle surrounded

By painted spaces

Something too big to be

A cat grooming her fur

Very thoroughly licking

Glancing over calmly

At no imminent threat

Sauntering on to the east

Did she come from

The nearby rainflow channel?

What is this animal

Walking to find: dumpsters,

Trash bins, sidewalk

And lawn throwaways?

Maybe an abandoned pet? 

Is her family closeby,

Or is this a solo traveler,

Long lost from mountains?

Well, it’s one healthy body

With a beautiful black mask

Must enjoy the bounty

Of city life at night

Padding on asphalt

Avoiding white lines

How many more days

Will this creature forage?

Hopefully meets no car

Don’t want to see

Roadkill on my way

To work away my hours

On this planet of the living

And the dead disposed

65 > Asphalt Nature




Thought I saw a jellyfish

floating over the street,

but it's only a plastic bag.


A big black caterpillar

resting near the gutter

--merely a Monster can.


Was that a walrus just now

lying on the sidewalk grass?

No, an old cardboard box.




A brown leaf hops

across an intersection

escorted by the wind.




I remember when I flipped

my bicycle like a seahorse.


The road rash bright

as any coral.




66 > Morning Play


Looks like one cloud
is running through another
with a broken sword

Other clouds stretch
like dogs starting to run
Ears taken by the breeze


And that clump could be
the coast of England
and below France


A couple wisps appear
to be caught by
electrical wires


Palm trees salute
their independence
tethered to the ground


Apartment building watches
passionately with reflective
windowed eyes

67 > Anthropomorph

To unfolded laptop

screen god


head locks in

for obviously


well-made slot

engineered to fit


perfectly the hole

inside his brain


He's got a face

of purposeful expression








penis depicted

like a duck's


And one long

long tail


which ends

in a half-sized


version of himself

eyes lidded shut


Ready to be plugged

into the portable


cellphone's female

open mouth


slit with a spotted

tongue line


Fashionable mole

microphone just left


a short distance on

faux aluminum skin

68 > after the fall


amazing how difficult it is

to chase and spear cheese

cubes in a packaged salad


when all you have is a plastic

fork held by the left hand

dancing around a clear bowl


imagine spending the rest

of your life this way like

a wounded Iraq war veteran


or refugee Syrian child,

who would be lucky to have

a salad to eat, more likely


boiled bulgur again and again

until settling in another country

where signs are not familiar


this too shall pass, they tattoo

in Arabic on each other’s arms,

how beautiful the characters are


on any arm, think I’ll borrow

the phrase, ink it on my forearm,

pray for no more violence, only


the peace of growing old

someday, finding it hard to

make a fist anymore, rather


hold beloved shaking fingers

to calm them over the passage

of, I hope, decades together



69 > spirits of solitude

driving in a dark rectangle

with concave glasses off

watching tonight’s street

lights like snowflakes

and the reflected cosmic eye

just another cataract

until I get home

switch on felt lamps

I can play now

with my own little cosmos

in the finite living room

full of fuzzy books

and black monoliths

what time is it

doesn’t matter in my universe

when god’s tired

he simply lies down

on a field of cotton

prays he wakes up

the next day the clock stirs

his pupils will seek sense again




70 > Extraterrestrial Report


This planet is
with the usual




But what are these
vessels of


The wheeled citizens
roll on
and stop


Their motors
step out
of their bellies


Then rest
inside giants
that don't move


The only creatures
like us
seem to be


scratched onto rocks
shown on screens
or imitated through toys


So let the guide
book read


Wait I think
I see something
on the moon


71 > Moon Poetry


Luna, a grand circle with so many circles of different sizes on the surface

Deimos, triangular potato complete with some scattered eyes

Phobos, lumpy cratered rock been nicked big time a few times

Ganymede, giant crystal sphere, mostly cloudy, with what looks like a night sky inside

Callisto, like looking at the Earth at night, lights everywhere, but no water

Io, a huge round pizza, salivate at all that bubbling cheese

Europa, a hazy blue ball laden with crowded crimson scratching, like a child drew on it

Titan, appears a heavily clouded blue and green, yin and yang, north and south

Rhea, the whitest moon, is it made of chalk, can I draw with it

Iapetus, could one possibly fit more craters on a single circular object, and that seam in the middle, a death star

Dione, one of the prettiest, with long pale streaks like prehistoric cave art

Tethys, a moon's moon, textbook example of a crater-filled bright world

Enceladus, so many grooves all over, did a clay potter craft it

Mimas, the real inspiration for the death star, with that one enormous crater near the equator

Titania, much like our moon, with even better streaked light spots seemingly evenly spaced

Oberon, sporting some extensive rays, is the carbon copy of our lunar wonder

Umbriel, blue, dominantly striated blues, with a smooth baby blue behind

Ariel, is there a message etched on its gray surface, the solar system logo

Miranda, seems to be an ice cream world, a snowy scoop roughly packed, ready for eating, or throwing

Triton, like a marble, sporting a northern azure haze swirling above a muddy mass

Charon, mini-moon, a mere 1,000 odd kilometers across, got a red smudge for a north pole

And dozens more little balls and potatoes of shapes larger and smaller than Los Angeles



72 > Thirteen Ways of Looking at Poppies

Poppies! Poppies! Poppies! Poppies!

Blown around by the breeze

Like citizens by politics

If Moses had hiked this hill

He would have said the clusters of

Orange flames were beautiful signs of God

Walk as a tee-shirted giant

In the land of the poppies

Swaying by the passing wind

Open petals take in

The sunny flow of air

Fed the feeling of being alive

Shadows pass over the poppies

Shoes temporarily knock flat the poppies

The poppies bounce back up lifted by the following

A field of orange and yellow and purple

Brings delightful color to the brown hills

The cloudless blue sky

Kneeling amongst the poppies

Get close to pure beauty

Fitting right in

Spotted desert brush

Enhanced by orange and yellow and purple clumps

Such harmony in the variety of colors

The sign says Poppy Festival

April 22nd-23rd but

It's already here


Bearded and unbearded men stroll

Surrounded by poppies

Smiles all around

Buds hang together

Like a group of poppies

Grow to love the company

Outside with the wind dancers

Sashaying to the music of the breezes

Twenty four hours every day

Put anything next to a poppy

And it's livened up

A bouquet of flowers and object

DKC The Planet of the Oreos

The Planet of the Oreos (poem published in)   01 > The Planet of the Oreos (Poetry Midwest) 02 > 21 st Century Valentines (Pris...